Monday 27 February 2012

Love is....

Love isn’t about finding someone you can live with, Love is about finding someone you can’t live without….
Love has been the most important and beautiful part of everybody’s life. Though various kinds, an intoxicating fragrance spreads. People tend to experience the best and worst moments that bring tears depending on the destiny of the person.
Generally people spend their times hiding their romance from the world – secret meeting spot, whole night talks under the blanket, secret glances and embraces when no one’s looking and so on. These month long incidents make them inseparable and somewhere down the line make them fell in love. No matter how bad times they go through, they can never regret the time spent together and will always be short of words to express their love and affection for each other.
Past has seen a lot of love stories who share their precious moments, love for their partners, ups and downs, fights, break ups, togetherness, love, fate, and many more. Stories - true or fiction, has always enticed people. They love to relate to the characters and always fantasize to be part of the story. There are books, which from the time they were penned down are glorifying the essence of love, till today.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Love Stories....

‘There are things that we don’t want to happen but have to accept, Things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without but have to let go…’
While reading books, people always tend to look forward or find something with whom they can relate with. Sometimes by just reading titles one can actually feel that great passion and interest to read and finish as soon as possible. Sounds funny, but people just can’t get enough to read sad love stories.
A love story has its share of ups and downs but the sad ones are always interesting and touching. Sad love stories might not entice everyone but it has a great point to make in life. Whether or not we are going to welcome it; it will always be they’re lurking behind waiting for us to give up. The life that we live in is imperfect and we are too. We can never tell when or how it would come and take us away but we do know that we are going to feel the sadness that not anyone else can ever analyze. The matter of the heart is a serious thing to deal with and every sad love story is something that people can never forget about.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Mills and Boon India is celebrating love this Valentine

The month of Valentine is the month of Mills and Boon and we plan to celebrate it with a lot of love filled surprises. So, we have come up with some really special offers and discounts just so you can use Mills and Boon as your last minute saviour if you haven’t decided your Valentine gift for your special one yet.

Mills and Boon India has a special subscription offer for you. If you subscribe by 10th February,2012, you will get a Valentine Dinner Date for you and your valentine. If you subscribe anytime this month, you will get an assured branded jewellery. Can it get better than this? You will get gifts for subscribing to Mills and Boon books…for reading something you love to read...We also have our February titles on discount. We know how much you like contests and so we have a lot of contests coming up this valentine month and a lot of goodies to give away.

We also have some exclusive Penny Jordan novels that you can grab this February. You can also subscribe to Love Horoscope by the famous astrologer Dadhichi by vsiting our website. This valentine, get closer to Mills and Boon and celebrate love the ‘Mills and Boon’ style. Mills and Boon books can not only be great companions but can also serve as a source of great ideas for expressing your love to your special one.

So, stay connected for a lot of love, conversations and surprises…

To subscribe and know more :       

Friday 3 February 2012

Happy Happy News!!!

Passions 3 has received a stupendous response till date. Looking at the number of entries we received till January 31, we have decided to extend the last date to enter the Passions 3 contest to February 10, 2012.
Mills and Boon India has always believed in seeing their fans happy. So when we received a lot of mails from disgruntled fans saying that they have missed the deadline, we decided to comply to their request and extend the last date for the contest. So now all you Mills and Boon fans!! Pick up that pen and pour your heart out!!! You still have ten more days to submit your stories for this year’s Passions writing Contest.

If you have a flair for writing, and are serious about making it as a writer,  Passions 3 is a brilliant opportunity to showcase your talent.

Entering the Passions 3 contest is very simple. All you have to do is send in your entries in 1500 to 2000 words to us by February 10, 2012. The winners once selected will  be given an editorial mentorship to help them develop their stories. At the end of the year, the winner will be allowed to publish their first romantic novel under the prestegious Mills and Boon books banner. 

Passions -the aspiring author auditions were introduced two years back. Milan Vohra and Aastha Atray were the winners of the previous two years and have successfully published their debut romantic novels under the tuteleage of Mills and Boon India. We are sure the whole of India is waiting with eager eyes to see the face of the next Indian author to join the ranks of Vohra and Atray.

Send in your entry to the Passions contest, by mailing your stories to